• Refurbish HP DesignJet T830 Printer
  • DesignJet_T830-36_Refurbish
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[Refurbish] HP DesignJet T830 36in Multifunction Printer

Regular price
RM 6,880.00
Sale price
RM 6,880.00
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RM 0.00
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After sales service & standard warranty | DPI | AEC Large Format Printer Plotter, Supplies and Software
After sales service & standard warranty
Genuine item | DPI | AEC Large Format Printer Plotter, Supplies and Software
Genuine item



Print, scan, copy, and share | D/A1-size prints in 25 seconds | Easy mobile printing

Immediately update all your partners on project review results with the most compact large-format MFP. Intuitive, convenient print/scan/copy and HP DesignJet print quality help you communicate effectively and move the project forward. Dynamic security: Cartridges with non-HP chips might not work today or in the future.

The most compact 36-in large-format MFP—with a sleek integrated design—is an ideal fit for the office and construction job site, and simplifies printing with HP Click printing software. Print from a smartphone or tablet with HP Mobile Printing.

Enjoy easy installation in the office, construction job site with the most compact 36-in large-format MFP.

This reinforced, all-in-one printer with smart scanning handles all your document management from office to construction site. Get HP DesignJet print quality in half-size documents with the A4/A3 input tray. A redesigned stand reduces C02e.

Get HP DesignJet quality also in small-format sizes—print half-size documents with 50-sheet A4/A3 input tray.

Enhance communication with peers/partners. With an intuitive single touchscreen, you can scan, copy, and share drawings immediately. Scan/email from the front panel. Use HP Smart app[4] to email contacts or post to cloud from your smartphone, tablet.

Use built-in scanner to copy and distribute sketches and hand-annotated drawings to peers/partners right away.

HP DesignJet T830 36in Datasheet
